
четвер, 9 вересня 2010 р.
Think they are awesome)

Do you still remember summer?

вівторок, 7 вересня 2010 р.

Again by Pascal Mohlesomething)

понеділок, 6 вересня 2010 р.
When You flirt with woman, stay cool and be alert on surprise. .. and 

Liked a lot Kris Lewis works. Let him speak: 

              “As I begin a painting the subject physically, emotionally and spiritually reveals itself to       me.  Each brushstroke speaks to the subsequent stroke, carrying out a dialogue, linking my subject and me as if we were meeting for the first time. I find this uncertainty exciting and embrace the indecisive nature of my work.

субота, 4 вересня 2010 р.
I would like a world which is not moving with the brands and trends...

Watch for yourself - next time You can look like a cheap store-model even if Your dress cost 1000$(then You must be mad).
So what everyone needs? 
- Ray Ban 
- Slim fit dush trousers   
- colorized T-shirt with some .. whatahell, whatever
- leather jacket 

Now You are welcome to idiot dream. Just bum a cigarette to 14 years boy that looks like a girl and shoot your head off. Have a nice day=)

pic. by Marcelo Dolce
середа, 1 вересня 2010 р.
 - Till October 17 check Metropolitan Museum.  - Where, Devi?
 - In New York, bunch of idiot's!

So Leon Levinstein was looking for hooker and found an art theme =)

Most of all I'd like to sleep MORE in September.
 - Should I tell You that summer is gone?  - No, cose it's obviously understandable.
 - What did We learn this summer? - Nothing particular new. 
 - Why Devor? - Because our planet is a crap. 
 - So, Devor, maybe you saw something new last days? - I say - yes. 

So, gentlemen and virgin's, welcome beautiful "End of summer virgin's" by Marley Kate